Royal Portable Typewriter, 1926 - Made in the USA, used by Felicjan Sławoj Składkowski

Felicjan Slawoj Skladkowski's typewriter
Our example shows evidence of adaptations for English and Polish use with the addition of: the pound sign, a completed Polish alphabet, and even the German umlaut. These adaptations are also evidenced by the different metals used in the typebars connected to the keys. This adapted machine was used by the former Prime Minister of Poland Felicjan Sławoj Składowski who took up residence in England in 1947. After his death in 1962, it became a part of the Pilsudski Institute thanks to his wife Jadwiga Dołega-Mostowicz.

If anyone is interested in learning more about Polish-American relations at that time, the Pilsudski Institute invites you to come see our display with objects on loan from the Polish Army Veterans’ Association in America.